Singing Guide: Beauty and the Beast

Singing Guide: Beauty and the Beast

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In this article, we'll explore how to learn singing like Angela Lansbury, who portrayed Mrs. Potts in the animated version of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" and sang the iconic theme song.

To start, let's focus on Lansbury's unique vocal technique. Lansbury's voice is light and delicate, with a clear tone. Her singing incorporates a lot of breath support to achieve the delicate quality in her voice. She utilizes a combination of chest, mixed and head voice, often transitioning seamlessly between them. To learn to sing like Lansbury, it is essential to incorporate a lot of breath support into your singing and learn to transition smoothly between your vocal registers.

One of Lansbury's most famous performances is the theme song from "Beauty and the Beast." The song is a ballad that requires a lot of emotion and control to sing effectively. To learn this song, start by practicing your breath support. Sing the song slowly, focusing on keeping a smooth transition between your vocal registers. Pay attention to the emotions in the song and try to convey them through your voice.

With these resources, you can work towards singing like Angela Lansbury and performing the famous "Beauty and the Beast" theme song with confidence.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.